“Behind “I Sali della Vita” are, on the one hand the awareness of how intrinsically true this saying is, and on the other the development of an idea at the same time simple and ingenious: to transform our moments of relaxation in the swimming pool and SPA into a chance to combine health, wellness, pleasure and beauty.”
Water is life

To take advantage and enjoyment it will no longer be necessary to take long journeys to enjoy the thermal benefits

What are?
Magnesium, Potassium and other mineral salts are essential for human health and can also be assimilated through the skin and by inhalation.

The Minerals
Magnesium (M), Potassium (K) and Iodine (I) help us to recover the psycho-physical balance, and are the basis of many metabolic and hormonal processes.
Discover who we are
The Barchemicals Laboratories, committed for years to the research and development of new products and new Bio-compatible technologies that respect the environment.